Club Premises Variation
A club which holds a Club Premises Certificate may apply to the relevant Licensing Authority for variation of the certificate, including:-
- varying the hours during which a licensable activity is permitted;
- adding or removing qualifying club licensable activities;
- amending, adding or removing conditions within a licence; and
- altering any aspect of the layout of the premises which is shown on the plan.
A variation can not be used to vary a certificate so as to transfer the certificate from one premises to another.
Who Can Apply
A club may apply to vary a Club Premises Certificate in respect of any premises which are occupied by, and habitually used for the purposes of, the club.
How to Apply
An application to vary a Club Premises Certificate must be made to the Licensing Authority for the area in which the premises is situated.
The application must be accompanied (as relevant to the details of variation above) by:
- the required fee;
- a club operating schedule;
- plan of the premises;
- the Club Premises Certificate or, if that is not practicable, by a statement of the reasons for the failure to provide the certificate;
- confirmation that the application has been simultaneously served to the appropriate Responsible Authorities.
The application will contain the variation details as relevant to the premises and as outlined in the Legislation section above.
Make an application
Apply online
Vary a Club Premises Certificate
Apply by post
You are still able to apply by post. Application forms can be found on the DCMS website. You will need to send copies of your application to the Responsible Authorities.
The application evaluation process detailed above applies. If you would prefer to apply by post and would like an application pack, then please contact the Licensing Team on 020 8831 6455 or by email onĀ
Contact the Licensing Team
If you have any questions or comments please contact Licensing
2nd Floor
Civic Centre
44 York Street
Up to: Club premises certificate
Updated: 06 October 2020
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