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Local Plan Pre-Publication Consultation

Planning system changes 

We are upgrading our planning system, and some services will be unavailable whilst we complete the work. 

From Wednesday 29 January until Thursday 6 February you will be unable to search for, view, or comment on an application. Deadlines will be extended accordingly.  

Applications can be submitted through the Planning Portal, but they will not be processed during this period. 

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

The consultation on the first draft of the adopted Local Plan took place from 8 July until 19 August 2016. This page contains the background to the Local Plan which was then adopted in July 2018.

Customer notice

The Local Plan was adopted in July 2018. We are now starting to prepare a new Local Plan for Richmond borough.

About the consultation

The Local Plan sets out a 15-year strategic vision, objectives and the spatial strategy as well as planning policies and site allocations that will guide the future development of the borough.

The adopted Plan looks ahead to 2033 and identifies where the main developments will take place, and how places within the borough will change, or be protected from change, over that period.

The Pre-Publication consultation follows an informal Scoping Consultation, which took place in January 2016.

Consultation documents

Please note, the first draft consultation document exceeds 100MB in size and may take some time to download.

Supporting and background documents

Adoption of Affordable Housing Policy LP 36

Note that Cabinet, at its meeting on 23 June 2016, agreed the adoption and use of the Affordable Housing policy LP 36 as set out in the Pre-Publication Local Plan for determining planning applications and development management purposes. See further details on our Affordable Housing SPD webpage.

Consultation responses

The Council considered all responses received on the Pre-Publication Local Plan consultation(pdf, 1755KB) and the appendices (large PDF). The analysis is set out in the Summary of main issues raised during public consultation on the Pre-Publication Local Plan, December 2016 (pdf, 1.4 MB), including a summary of all responses received and the Council's response. 

For information, the Area Action Plan for Twickenham centre, which was adopted in 2013 was not reviewed. Note that separate workshops and consultations were undertaken for Twickenham Riverside and the creation of a new heart for Twickenham around the time of the Pre-Publication consultation.

Updated: 24 August 2020

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