Local Plan Publication Consultation
The Publication Consultation, which was the final public consultation on the Council’s Local Plan, took place from 4 January to 15 February 2017. This page contains the background to the Local Plan which was then adopted in July 2018.
Customer notice
The Local Plan was adopted in July 2018. We are now starting to prepare a new Local Plan for Richmond borough.
About the consultation
The Local Plan sets out a 15-year strategic vision, objectives and the spatial strategy as well as planning policies and site allocations that will guide the future development of the borough.
The Plan looks ahead to 2033 and identifies where the main developments will take place, and how places within the borough will change, or be protected from change, over that period.
The consultation was on the Council’s final version of the now adopted Local Plan and was the last opportunity for the public to comment.
Representations could only be made in regard to the Plan’s legal and procedural compliance, “soundness”, and whether the Plan had been prepared in accordance with the “Duty to Cooperate”.
This consultation followed the Pre-Publication consultation which took place between 8 July and 19 August 2016 and an informal Scoping Consultation which took place in January 2016. Feedback from these earlier consultations was analysed and taken account of in this version of the Local Plan.
Consultation documents
Please note, the consultation document are large in size and may take some time to download.
- Final draft of the Local Plan (Publication version)
- Proposals Map Changes
- Sustainability Appraisal of the Publication Local Plan
(pdf, 1829KB)
Supporting and background documents
- Policy Background Paper
(pdf, 892KB)
- Borough Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Whole Plan Viability
- Flood Risk Sequential Test Report
(pdf, 2453KB)
- Habitats Regulation Assessment
(pdf, 2360KB)
- Equalities Impact Assessment
(pdf, 519KB)
- Health Impact Assessment
(pdf, 502KB)
- Other Local Plan research and studies are available on the Local Plan research pages which was also included at submission to the Secretary of State for independent Examination in Public.
- Statement of Consultation
(pdf, 9080KB)
- Duty to Co-operate Statement
(pdf, 210KB)
For information only, a document showing the main changes(pdf, 14004KB) made to the Pre-Publication Local Plan has also been made available, for ease of reference. There is also an analysis showing the Council’s responses to the comments received
(pdf, 1483KB) to the last Pre-Publication consultation, along with a summary of those responses.
Adoption of the Local Plan for Development Management purposes
At the Cabinet Meeting of 13 December 2016 it was agreed that the Publication version of the Local Plan would be adopted immediately for Development Management purposes and be a material consideration in determining planning applications.
Updated: 03 December 2021
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