Report instances of flooding
We are carrying out a data collection exercise to gather information on flooding. An online survey has been set up to help us work with other authorities and agencies to prepare for and manage future flood risks in the borough.
Before you start
If you are a property owner, tenant or an employee and have experienced flooding within or close to where you live or work, please help us by filling out the questionnaire. You can also report any flooding elsewhere in the borough should you become aware of any.
Individual flood events cannot be addressed as part of this survey. However, all information provided will help us with any potential future work to address flood risk in the borough.
This is an ongoing investigation so the survey will be available indefinitely.
You will need
What information you will need to provide:
- Location of the flood, including address (if relevant)
- Details of each incident of flooding
- Your details
What happens next
The results from the survey will improve our understanding about flood risks in the borough. The data collected will provide evidence to support any flood investigation work that might be required in the future.
Under Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 we may investigate certain incidents of flooding.
All information provided as part of the questionnaire is strictly confidential and will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The data will only be used for the purposes of increasing our understanding of flood risk and determining how wider flooding could be better managed across the borough.
See our privacy notice for further information.
Up to: Flooding
Updated: 02 November 2023
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