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Richmond Performance Tool

See a balanced view of Richmond Council’s performance in relation to other local authorities.

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About the tool

We are committed to providing the best possible services to our residents and stakeholders, and to being as transparent as we can be about how well we are at delivering those services.

As a result, we have developed a unique tool that shows our performance across a range of Key Performance Indicators and compares how we are performing against other London boroughs (or Local Authorities).

The latest version of this tool presents comparative key performance indicator results in an interactive format.

All indicators presented are featured within our Corporate Plan and Corporate Indicator set and have been sourced using the latest available publicly listed data from the online tool, LGInform which is developed by the LGA (Local Government Association).

The tool is best viewed using laptop or desktop based large screen.

How to use the tool

Corporate Indicators are presented in three views. There is an initial home/guidance page when you open the tool that explains how results are presented. On the subsequent page, this lists the latest available single period result for all indicators by our Directorate and Service area. Select any Indicator and then the tool updates to show:

  1. A table of borough values, with Richmond result highlighted relative to where it sits in terms of overall performance, i.e. 1st(best performing) or 32nd (worst performing) out of all London boroughs
  2. On the upper right-hand side of the page a map of results by quartile is displayed for all London boroughs

Top performing quartiles (A) i.e. top eight boroughs of 32, are showed in green. Bottom performing quartiles (D) i.e. bottom eight boroughs of 32, are displayed in red. In between are quartiles C and B. If you hover over any London borough you can see the result for the selected indicator. In addition, the bar chart at the bottom is also interactive and you can also hover over any London borough to see their respective result.

  1. At the bottom right hand corner of the page, the metadata for that indicator is shown. Metadata shows more information about the indicator, such as where the data has been sourced, the data period covered as well as results for Richmond, England and London.

There is a 'Reset View' button in blue at the top middle of the page that when pressed will rest the view of indicators back to the default setting, as well as a 'Home Page' view button that will take you back to the home page/guidance page front cover.

Subsequent pages show additional views of the indicator sets, with more data available (up to 10 recent periods, i.e. 2011/12 to 2021/22, or 10 recent quarters etc). You can compare multiple periods, or multiple boroughs over all available time periods. Guidance is given on each additional page.


For any comments or further support, contact the Corporate Programmes and Performance Team.

Updated: 18 July 2024

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