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Registered charities, voluntary groups, sports associations, social enterprises and individual providers can apply to the Fund in line with one of the priorities.

Download the guidance notes and read them before applying, they offer a guide to answering the questions in the application forms and outline how to meet the criteria. Also, please find frequently asked questions should you need further information, along with an example of an end of project monitoring form.

Micro Grants

Download the Micro Grants application form (MS Word, 77 KB) to complete. You can only apply for up to a maximum of £1,000. We aim to respond to applicants with the outcome of their request within six weeks, providing they have supplied all the relevant information. This process can take longer if additional information is required.

Main Grants

Download the Main Grants application form (MS Word, 78 KB) to complete. You can only apply for up to a maximum of £5,000. The Active Richmond Fund has a limited budget, so please take this into consideration when applying. We aim to respond to applicants with the outcome of their request within ten weeks, providing they have supplied all the relevant information. This process can take longer if additional information is required.

All completed applications should be emailed to

In certain circumstances, where a specific need has been identified, the Active Richmond Fund will consider a request for funding of up to £10,000. Please contact the Grants Team to discuss this further if you feel this level of funding is required for your project.

Equality and diversity

We very much welcome applications from Richmond’s range of diverse communities. If you require any of our forms (and documents) in an accessible format please get in touch with one of our officers. Please see officer contact details below.

Groups and organisations applying to the fund should consider how their project benefits and engages people from under-represented groups, for example, people living with disabilities, Black Asian Minority Ethnic groups, LGBTQI+ people, ‘hard to reach’ communities or people facing financial hardship. Your application should demonstrate how you plan on ensuring your project is inclusive and accessible to people with protected characteristics.

Help and advice

View links to relevant websites and resources to provide further information to inform your application.

  • RUILS – is a local charity that is commissioned by Richmond Council to provide a Social Prescribing service in the borough
  • Richmond CVS – provides support and advice on how to develop project ideas and plan for future funding
  • Habitats & Heritage - offer advice and support to environmental projects in the voluntary and community sector
  • Project Toolkit (pdf, 5.0 MB) - a resource developed with Richmond CVS to help guide individuals and local groups through the steps involved in creating a community project and enable them to reach the point where they are able to apply for funding opportunities
  • Richmond Business Hub provides an online portal of resources support, advice and guidance which is useful for social enterprises
  • Voluntary and Community Sector – find out more information about other support and funding available for the voluntary and community sector in the borough    
  • Business pages offer further information available for businesses within Richmond which is useful for social enterprises
  • Public Health Outcomes Framework


If you would like further information and guidance, please contact the Active Richmond Fund on 020 8487 5259 or email

Updated: 20 May 2024

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