Borough-wide urban design and tall buildings
Understanding the character of the borough is an important part of the evidence base for the Local Plan.
Urban Design Study 2023 - Final version
We have commissioned Arup to undertake an Urban Design Study to inform the new Local Plan.
- Urban Design Study 2023 - Full document (very large file)
The study includes a townscape character assessment and an assessment of the borough's capacity for growth, bringing together the values, character and sensitivity of different parts of the borough with the reality of future development pressures. The study has assessed opportunities for tall and mid-rise buildings in the borough, illustrated within maps of tall and mid-rise zones of opportunity. The study was informed by a public consultation, held from 17 May to 16 June 2021, about what is special about certain areas/places in the borough and why.
The study was completed and published in 2021 to accompany the Draft Pre-Publication Regulation 18 version of the Local Plan. The 2021 version was updated in response to comments received during the Regulation 18 Local Plan public consultation. The final version was published in 2023 to accompany the Regulation 19 Local Plan.
- Urban Design Study 2023 - Executive summary
(pdf, 12.0 MB)
- Urban Design Study 2023 - Full document (very large file)
- Urban Design Study 2021 - Executive summary
(pdf, 8.7 MB)
- Urban Design Study 2021 - Full document
(pdf, 53 MB)
Village Planning Guidance SPDs 2013 to 2018
A series of Village Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) were produced from 2013 to 2018, prepared through the statutory consultation processes and adopted by the Council. The borough was divided into a series of smaller village areas - each village area was subdivided into Conservation Areas and Character Areas. For the Character Areas the context, character and local features were analysed and assessed. These are available on the Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance page. In addition, there is context relating to character in the adopted Ham and Petersham Neighbourhood Plan 2018 to 2033 and Twickenham Area Action Plan (2013 (pdf, 3.1 MB)).
Borough-wide Sustainable Urban Development Study 2008
A research project has been carried out by consultants into high density development and tall buildings to identify areas of the Borough that are unsuitable, sensitive or have the potential for such type of development.
The study findings conclude that large parts of the Borough are unsuitable or sensitive to large scale development due to factors including restrictive planning designations, special local character and levels of public transport accessibility. Careful consideration will therefore be required for any proposals that come forward and taller buildings will often be inappropriate, although every proposal must be assessed on its individual merits.
The study applies a local density matrix and sets out design guidance for each of the Borough’s settlement areas.
It suggests that parts of the Borough’s five town centres are the most appropriate areas for higher density development and taller buildings. Generally only Richmond and Twickenham would be suitable for tall buildings (defined as six or more storeys), located close to the town centre railway stations.
The Study
The Study has been divided into smaller sections to assist in downloading as follows:
- The main report
(pdf, 4626KB) (1: Introduction; 2: Policy Context; 3: Borough Context; 4: Sieving Exercise; 5: Density and Tall Building Guidance)
- Appendix 1
(pdf, 623KB) Existing Case Studies
- Appendix 2
(pdf, 2197KB) Sieve Exercise Plans
- Appendix 3
(pdf, 3165KB) BAA Obstacle Limitation Services
Up to: Local Plan evidence
Updated: 21 April 2023
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