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The latest round of Cost of Living Grant Fund has been set-up to help local voluntary sector organisations respond to the cost of living crisis, with a focus on helping the community and individuals build capacity and resilience as the crisis continues.

Projects which will be considered for funding include the provision of community spaces and associated activities, foodbanks and other food provision, and services that help build community and individual capacity and resilience in relation to cost of living.

Aim of the fund

The fund is intended to support voluntary sector organisations in their work to help residents through the cost of living crisis. This latest round of grant fund aims to continue this support, with the additional focus on helping the community and individuals build capacity and resilience as the crisis continues.

The funding is focused on projects directly supporting people most affected by the cost of living. Services will need to mobilise quickly and have a clear exit strategy.

Who can apply

We will only consider applications from registered charities, CIOs, CICs or exempt charities. 

Fund priorities

Your project needs to relate to one or more of the three priority areas below, and you need to tell us how your project will help us achieve these priorities.

Priority 1 - Community spaces

Priority 1 will provide access to a network of safe, welcoming community spaces where residents can keep warm and access other services and activities. Applications are particularly welcomed from spaces which offer access to cost of living related additional services such as signposting, advice services and/or a substantial food offer, or targeted activities alongside other support.

Existing provisions can apply if they can demonstrate that the project has been successful, provides value for money and that there is continued demand. The applicant will also need to demonstrate how they are supporting a broad cohort of people in need of this type of provision. We have a directory of pledged spaces, and successful applicants would be expected to form part of this offer.

Priority 2 - Food provision

Priority 2 will aim to support residents in or at risk of food poverty to access affordable, nutritious food and to provide access to food for vulnerable groups in targeted settings.

Priority 3 - Services that build community and individual resilience

Priority 3 will support projects which help people to better cope with the cost of living crisis in the longer term, especially targeting those most in need of support. Examples include: advice services directly linked to the cost of living such as money and housing advice, helping people learn new skills such as cooking on a budget.

Organisations may apply for funding towards other costs, including but not limited to equipment or improvement of spaces, where this would lead to increased capacity in services which directly support residents most affected by the cost of living crisis in the longer term.

Organisations applying under Priority 3 should demonstrate a track record in delivering the activity and provide evidence of demand.

Ongoing funding

Continuation funding for projects supported under the Cost of Living Grant Fund in 2023/24 will be considered where there is strong evidence of success and ongoing demand.

Advice and guidance

Read the guidance notes carefully to find out more about:

  • Eligibility criteria
  • How your application will be assessed
  • Advice on how you can best make a case for support in your application
  • Supporting documents
  • Monitoring and Evaluation requirements

Meet the Funder

There is limited funding available, and organisations should make sure that their project closely aligns with the priority areas. Where possible we recommend that you join one of the Meet the Funder sessions or get in touch with an outline of your project prior to submitting an application.

Two Meet the Funder events are available online for you to find out more about the fund and ask any questions:

  • Wednesday 21 August 12 noon to 1pm
  • Thursday 5 September 2.30pm to 3.30pm

To sign up, please email with your name, organisation and contact details, specifying which session you would like to attend.

If you are not able to attend the sessions above, or would like further information or guidance, you can book a time with the Voluntary Sector Team to discuss your project.

Alternatively, you can call 020 8487 5112 / 020 8831 6450.

How to apply

Download and read the guidance notes before applying and submit your completed application with all supporting documents by email to

The deadline for applications is 9am on Monday 23 September 2024.

You can apply for a grant of between £5,000 and £15,000. For organisations requesting less than £5,000 the Civic Pride Fund is open for applications on a rolling basis.

We aim to notify applicants of the final decision by mid-October 2024.

Updated: 15 August 2024

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