Mayoral protocol guidance
There is protocol to follow when hosting the Mayor or Deputy Mayor at an event.
Find out how to invite the Mayor to an event.
Writing an invitation or letter
The correct way to address an invitation or letter to the Mayor is to write to: The Worshipful the Mayor of Richmond upon Thames, Councillor [First Name] [Surname]. If the Consort is also invited, then please write to: The Worshipful the Mayor and Consort of Richmond upon Thames, Councillor [First Name] [Surname]. The correct salutation is “Dear Mr or Madam Mayor”.
If writing to the Deputy Mayor, then please address your letter to: Deputy Mayor of Richmond upon Thames, Councillor [First Name] [Surname]. The correct salutation would be “Dear Deputy Mayor”.
Introducing the Mayor
When introducing the Mayor at a function, please introduce them as ‘The Worshipful the Mayor of Richmond upon Thames, Councillor [First Name] [Surname].’ If the Mayor is accompanied by the Consort, then just add ‘and the Mayor’s Consort’. Please introduce the Deputy Mayor as ‘The Deputy Mayor of Richmond upon Thames, Councillor [First Name] [Surname].’ If the Deputy Mayor is accompanied by their Consort, then just add ‘and their Consort’.
Thereafter, the Mayoral party may be addressed as ‘Mr/Madam Mayor’ and ‘Consort’, or ‘Deputy Mayor’ and ‘Consort’ respectively.
First Citizen of the Borough
The Mayor is the principal guest at any social function held within the borough to which they have accepted an invitation as Mayor. As Mayor, they attend as the First Citizen of the Borough and not as a representative of the Council or any section of it.
Event timings and protocol
Guidance on timings and protocol at an event the Mayor is attending.
The Mayor (and Consort if they are attending as well) will remain at your function for the period you have indicated on your booking.
The Mayor will normally arrive five minutes before the commencement of a function, unless otherwise specified on your booking.
When the Mayor arrives at an event, we would ask you to kindly make sure that he/she is met by a responsible official of your organisation who can then escort and introduce him to the host (Chairman, etc), or, in certain circumstances, to the assembled company. We would also kindly ask that the host remain in attendance for the duration of the Mayor’s visit.
At a formal dinner, luncheon, etc, the Mayor traditionally sits on the immediate right of the host. The Mayor would also prefer to sit on the immediate right of the person presiding at a meeting unless the Mayor is in the Chair.
If the Mayoral Party is attending a church service, please could you arrange for the Mayoral Party to be met at the entrance to the church and escorted to the front pew on the righthand side of the centre aisle. The only exception to this practice is at a funeral service when the Mayor gives up his/her place to the family mourners and takes the front pew on the left.
If you work for a local voluntary organisation and wish to take a photo of the Mayor during your event for the use of your voluntary organisation, please do so.
If you are a commercial organisation, then it is very important to note that it is a condition that no use whatsoever shall be made of any photographs, or other image of, or references to, the Mayor in any commercial publicity, advertising, promotional or public relations material for present or future use to promote your company, business, products, or services, without the prior written consent of the Mayor's office.
The following considerations should be made for speeches at an event the Mayor is attending.
Request a speech
If you would like the Mayor to make a speech, or say a few words, at your event please could you let the Mayor’s office have a copy of suitable speech/notes/guidelines prior to the function, together with your completed booking sheet.
If you have invited the Mayor to speak at a public meeting or similar event, please let the Mayor’s office have a copy of the agenda and any relevant papers as soon as they are available.
Request a toast
If you would like the Mayor to speak at a formal dinner, luncheon, etc, the Mayor should be invited to propose or respond to the First Toast after the Loyal Toast to the Queen.
It would be helpful if you could send a copy of the proposed Toast list to the Mayor's Office with your completed booking sheet or if this is not possible, at least five working days prior to the event.
Special requirements
There are no current special requirements for the Mayor or Deputy.
Royal Family attendance
Please contact the Mayor’s Office for advice if a member of the British Royal Family is also attending your event.
Deputy Mayor attendance
All the procedures outlined above also apply to the Deputy Mayor when attending an event on behalf of the Mayor, as the Mayor’s representative.
Any variation to the above protocol guidelines should be made only with the express agreement of the Mayor, obtained through the Mayor's office, in advance of the date of your event.
Please note that the booking sheet needs to be returned to the Mayor’s Office at least 14 days prior to your event.
If you need any further support or guidance, call the Mayor’s Office on 020 8891 7123 or ask someone to call on your behalf.
Up to: Arranging a Mayoral visit
Updated: 20 January 2025
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