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Getting help to make a complaint

You can have a friend, neighbour or relative to help you make a complaint, or you can seek help from any of the organisations listed below.

We will only share information about you and your complaint with third parties if you have authorised us to do so.

If you need an interpreter or need information translated into another language or format, you should let us know when you first make your complaint.

Richmond Citizens Advice Bureau

You can get independent advice from the Richmond Citizens Advice. They can also help with drafting complaints or be with you at any meetings we may have with you.


An advocate is someone who has permission to speak on your behalf to help make sure you point of view is heard. There are several local advocacy services, which can help you with a complaint. Some of them are listed here:

Councillor or MP

You can also get help with a complaint from your local councillor or Member of Parliament.

Updated: 06 October 2022

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