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Speaking at Licensing Sub-Committee

The Licensing Sub-Committee considers applications for premises licenses.

View current licensing applications

Apply for a premises licence

What to expect at meetings

Licensing Sub-Committee hearings take the form of a discussion between the Sub-Committee and the various parties present. The Sub-Committee's Chairman may also allow questions between parties.

Details of how the hearing will be conducted are contained in the procedure included with the agenda.

Guidance for applicants

The Council's Licensing Department will be in contact with you to inform you of the hearing's date and time. You will be able to speak at the hearing to support your application and to respond points raised by interested parties and/or responsible authorities.

You can appoint representatives to act on your behalf, although the Committee Manager will need to be made aware of the names of those attending (and what capacity they are acting in) to support you in advance of the meeting.

Guidance for interested parties

In order to speak at a Licensing Sub-Committee, you must have responded, in writing, to the consultation for a premises licence. The Council's Licensing Department will contact you to inform you of when a hearing is being held. Comments must be based on the content of your previous written representations.

You may appoint somebody else to represent you, or act as a supporting witness to you. In either case, comments must still be based on your written representation. You will need to register to participate in advance of the hearing date.

Register to speak

You can register to speak at a Licensing Sub-Committee by email to

Alternatively, you can email the Democratic Services Officer, whose contact details are on the front page of the agendas.

Updated: 04 June 2024

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