Whistleblowing is a process within which certain groups are able to express concerns about the conduct of colleagues and contractors. These groups include:
- All employees of the Council
- Agency staff
- Trainees
- Self-employed staff engaged by the Council
- Contractors engaged on Council work
- Partner agencies undertaking work on behalf of or in conjunction with the Councils
When to blow the whistle
We encourage staff to blow the whistle if they are aware of any activities that affect the Council or may put the public or colleagues at risk, such as:
- Fraud or financial irregularity
- Misappropriation
- Illegal acts
- Breaches of procedures
- Actions that endanger the health and safety of others
How to blow the whistle
Usually, the first step is to contact your manager who is then required to refer the matter to the appropriate officer or agency.
If you don’t feel able to approach your manager there are other steps you can follow. Read full details about the process and our commitment to you in our Whistleblowing Code (pdf, 192 KB).
You can also download our Anti-Money Laundering Code (pdf, 262 KB) and Anti-Bribery Code
(pdf, 146 KB).
The Public Interest Disclosure Act provides protection under the law for whistleblowers.
Up to: Have your say
Updated: 06 October 2021
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