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Supported employment for people with a disability

With the right support at the right time, you can gain the confidence to find work.

Looking for work?

Richmond Council has commissioned Choice Support to help people with a learning disability, autism, physical disability, sensory impairment or mental health need to gain and keep paid employment.

Choice Support can support you to:

  • Write your CV and fill out application forms
  • Search for jobs that match your skills
  • Prepare for interviews and attend with you, if you need support
  • Work with employers to make adjustments to the interview process
  • Identify changes or adjustments at your work
  • Understand your rights as an employee or volunteer

For more information, read the leaflet (pdf, 881 KB) or go to the Choice Support website for more information, or phone 0203 435 5816.

Other local resources

Employability Job Club

Employability Job Club is run by Richmond Mencap and The People Hive in partnership with Choice Support. The Job Club is a 16-week course and runs three times a year for up to ten people.

Go to the Richmond Mencap or The People Hive websites for more information, or phone 020 8744 1923 (Richmond Mencap) or 020 8977 5447 (The People Hive).

Are you an employer?

If you are an employer and would like some guidance and support, go to the Choice Support website or phone 0203 435 5816.

Additional resources for employers

The government has launched the Disability Confident campaign to encourage employers to recruit and retain people with a disability. The Disability Confident website provides information and advice for employers, including:

  • Attracting, recruiting and retaining disabled people in work
  • Help with any costs disabled people may face in work
  • Disability law
  • Advice on specific conditions
  • Links to toolkits and other organisations

Other organisations which can help

Better Working Futures: Work and Health Programme

The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas) provides free advice for employers on employment legislation including advice on age and the workplace.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) promotes and monitors human rights. It protects, enforces and promotes equality across 9 areas, including disability.

The Business Disability Forum (BDF) is an employer organisation that offers information, support and advice on disability as it affects business. It can help employers to make sure that their online recruitment tools and processes are fully accessible for disabled people.

Clear Talents can help organisations identify and manage reasonable adjustments for job applicants, employees and students. It is free to use for applicants.

The British Association for Supported Employment (BASE) is the national trade association involved in securing employment for people with a disability. The website offers guidance for employers on disability and work. BASE members work closely with disabled jobseekers and employers to help find sustainable work for the disabled person.

The Mental Health Foundation is a leading mental health charity for research, policy and improving services. It offers a range of training and courses for individuals and employers.

The Do It Profiler has resources for employers to help them to understand specific learning disabilities and their relevance to the workplace.

Updated: 24 November 2023

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