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Health and Wellbeing Board plans and strategies

Find out about our current plans and strategies for protecting and improving residents' health and wellbeing.

Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Based on the needs identified in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024 - 2029 lays out the priorities of the Richmond Health and Wellbeing Board.

Read more about the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy - 18 Steps to Health and Wellbeing

Health and Care Plan

Health and care organisations in Richmond are working more closely together to make services better connected and more joined up.

The NHS, Council, voluntary sector and Healthwatch have come together to look at what’s important for health and care in Richmond, what the challenges are and how if different organisations work more closely together, we can make a difference.

Through partnership working and engagement with residents we have produced a local Health and Care Plan featuring themes of Start Well, Live Well and Age Well. Find out more about our Health and Care plans:

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

The Board also has a particular responsibility to develop a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment. This helps determine the number and location of community pharmacies in the borough.

Better Care Fund

The Better Care Fund (BCF) is one of the government’s national vehicles for driving health and social care integration. It requires the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and local authority to agree a joint plan, owned by the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB). These are joint plans for using pooled budgets to support integration, governed by an agreement under section 75 of the NHS Act (2006).

2023 - 2025

2022 - 2023

2021 - 2022

2020 - 2021

2019 - 2020

Updated: 11 January 2024

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