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To take part in forums, contact the National Landlords Association.

NRLA London Regional Webinar

The end of Section 21 and the Renters’ Reform Bill – What will it mean for you?  

  • Date: Thursday 21 January 2021
  • Time: 7pm
  • Location: Online
  • Price: Free

Register now

Join a Landlord Association

Are you a member of a Landlord Association? Ever thought about joining one? Now is a great time to consider becoming a member of the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA). Being a member of a landlord association can benefit you in a number of ways;

  • Help you to attract quality tenants as it indicates your professionalism, giving them peace of mind that a tenancy will be properly managed and the property well maintained
  • Provide regular legal and industry updates to stay on top of the constantly changing legislation that applies to the Private Rented Sector
  • Offer you resources that are legally compliant and up to date like tenancy agreements, landlord checklists, inventory templates, guarantor deeds,
  • Give you access to member advice via phone, online chat and website, the NRLA advice line operates 6 days a week and can help you avoid costly mistakes
  • Access to relevant products at competitive prices for essential landlord services such as tenant referencing, insurance, deposit protection, fire safety and mortgages
  • Info on licensing
  • Access to training, e-classrooms, online learning modules, regular landlord webinars

Karen Gregory is the London South Representative for the NRLA and is offering a £10 discount off your first year of membership using her Rep. code: 136. That's great value at only £65 for both you and a guest. 

Previous forums

The latest forum was held on 23 July 2019 in the Council Chamber at Wandsworth Town Hall organised jointly by the National Landlords Association and Wandsworth and Richmond Councils' Environmental Health (Private Housing) service.

About 75 landlords and agents who own or manage properties in Wandsworth and Richmond boroughs attended and participated in lively presentations and debate about the following topics:

Who are they for

Forums are free to attend and is aimed at the following groups:

  • Private sector landlords
  • Managing agents
  • Tenants and tenant representative groups
  • Council representatives

How they work

Forums take place regularly and aim to:

  • Develop good working relationships
  • Share experiences
  • Discuss proposed changes to legislation
  • Promote good practice


Contact the team on if you have any general questions.

Updated: 16 September 2024

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