Local Implementation Plan for Transport
The Local Implementation Plan (LIP) is a local and borough wide programme of measures and schemes to improve the provision of transport to everyone who lives and works in the borough.
The Local Implementation Plan is required by the 1999 Greater London Authority Act to show how the borough will implement the Mayor’s Transport Strategy.
- View the Third Local Implementation Plan
(pdf, 1.1 MB) (2019-2041)
- View the Second Local Implementation Plan
(pdf, 2814KB) (2011-2014)
- View the first Local Implementation Plan (2007-2010)
About the Local Implementation Plan
The Local Implementation Plan (LIP) is a statutory document that details how the borough will support the implementation of the Mayor’s Transport Strategy on a local level. It covers the period 2019 to 2041, with additional detail covering the initial three year period to 2022. The document serves as Richmond’s transport plan for this time period.
The draft of the LIP underwent a public consultation from 30 November 2018 to 11 January 2019, with the final report approved by the Deputy Mayor for Transport on 12 April 2019.
What does the plan cover?
The Local Implementation Plan details how we will implement the Mayor’s Transport Strategy. The plan is focused on the headline target for 75% of trips to be undertaken by sustainable modes (walking, cycling and public transport) by 2041, from a baseline of 61%. This target is supported by nine additional outcomes, covering three areas:
- Healthy Streets and active travel
- A better public transport experience
- Good growth
The plan includes a three-year delivery plan for how the borough will spend its expected LIP funding allocation from TfL, covering the period 2019 to 2022. The funding provided through the LIP is one of the primary sources of funding for transport improvements within the borough.
Strategic Environmental Assessments
A Strategic Environmental Assessment has been prepared alongside the Local Implementation Plan, as required by European Union Directive 2001/42/EC. The aim of the assessment is to understand what impact the Local Implementation Plan may have on the environment, and what mitigation measures may be required.
The preparation of the Strategic Environmental Assessment was undertaken in three stages:
- A SEA Scoping Report produced by the Council in November 2018
- A SEA Environmental Report produced by the Council in January 2019
- A SEA Adoption Statement produced following the approval of the final LIP
The SEA Adoption Statement, and the Environmental Report, are available to download:
Equality Impact Needs Assessment (EINA)
This document sets out the Council’s objectives regarding the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) and equalities issues, and summarises the EINA exercises carried out to assess the LIP.
Up to: Transport planning
Updated: 09 October 2020
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