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If you are a social housing tenant you may wish to move or downsize the property you live in.

Sponsored Moves

The Sponsored Moves scheme can benefit social housing tenants who wish to move to a smaller property.

You can get a payment of £2,500 for each bedroom you give up by moving to a smaller property, and have your removal costs paid for. This is subject to criteria, terms and conditions.

How it works

The scheme is set up to benefit those who have empty bedrooms which are not in use.

By registering on the scheme we can help you find a smaller property which is suited to your needs.

You tell us the type of property you are interested in and we will do our best to find the property which is right for you.

You can change your mind if you decide you no longer want to move.

Benefits of the scheme

As part of the scheme we will also:

  • Pay you £2,500 for each bedroom you give up - up to a maximum of £7,500
  • Arrange and pay for a professional removal company
  • Cover up to two weeks' rent to allow you time to move between properties

This will be subject to criteria, terms and conditions.

How to join

If you are interested in joining the scheme you will need to complete an online application.

Once you have submitted your application you will receive a reference number. You should then contact the Allocation and Mobility Team at, quoting your reference number, so that this team can begin to assist you with your downsizing move.

If you need help with submitting an online application, you can email or visit our housing officers at:

Ground Floor, Civic Centre
44 York Street

Other schemes

There are a number of other schemes which can help if you wish to move home.

Homefinder UK

Homefinder UK is a free scheme to help those we have accepted a homeless duty to assist to move from one part of the UK to another. If you are already living in temporary accommodation and waiting for a settled offer you can still apply.

To apply, you will need to complete an online registration form on the Homefinder UK website. Once registered, you will be able to see all home exchange opportunities.


If you are social housing tenant you may be able to swap your home. This is also known as mutual exchange.

Homeswapper is a national organisation which lists a number of properties which are available to swap with other social housing tenants.


HomeHunt allows home seekers to view the many different types of affordable housing options available from social and private landlords throughout the UK.

Seaside and Country Homes

Seaside and Country Homes is a housing mobility scheme that offers social housing tenants in Greater London the opportunity to move home. To be eligible one member of the household has to be aged 55 or over.

Housing Moves

Housing Moves is a Mayor of London scheme helping people move home within London. From 1 July 2022, it will be available to victims/survivors of domestic abuse and former rough sleepers only, rather than social tenants more widely.

If you are currently registered with Housing Moves, visit the website to learn how this change affects you.

Housing Moves is now closed to new applications other than those from victims/survivors of domestic abuse and former rough sleepers.

Eligible tenants must be referred to the scheme. If you think you may be eligible please request a referral.

For victims/survivors of domestic abuse, please contact your landlord or any organisation currently supporting you.

For former rough sleepers, please contact your tenancy sustainment support worker.

Updated: 14 June 2024

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