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Have you done your bowel cancer screening test?

Community news on behalf of NHS | 5 April 2024

If you’re aged 56 to 74, the NHS will automatically send a bowel cancer screening kit to you in the post. 

Nine out of every 5,000 people who use their test kit turn out to have cancer. But if it’s spotted early, the chances of recovering from bowel cancer are higher.

The test can be done in the comfort of your home and only needs a tiny sample of poo to test for signs of cancer.

So, keep an eye out for your bowel cancer testing kit in the post, or dig out the one that you put away in that drawer and forgot about. And then put it by the loo. Don’t put it off.

Find out more about bowel cancer screening.

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Up to: April 2024

Updated: 4 September 2024

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