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Come along to Cambrian Community Gym

Community news on behalf of Cambrian Community Gym | 17 April 2024

Residents over the age of 18 are welcomed to join the Cambrian Community Gym.

The local charity gym features highly qualified and experienced staff providing instruction and advice on exercise programmes, designed to improve fitness and wellbeing.

This friendly exercise facility provides a bespoke service for users of all abilities and ages in an informal and comfortable atmosphere, allowing you to get active on your own terms.

The Cambrian Community Gym can be found at Caplan Court, 1 Grove Road in Richmond, TW10 6SN.

Established in 1989, the Cambrian Centre is a community centre located off Queen’s Road in Richmond. It operates as an incorporated charity limited by guarantee.

Find out more about Cambrian Community Gym.

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Up to: April 2024

Updated: 4 September 2024

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