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Breastfeeding support for all in Richmond upon Thames

1 August 2024

This World Breastfeeding Week, find out how we are supporting breastfeeding in our borough.

Running from 1 to 7 August, World Breastfeeding Week aims to create and promote environments that help parents breastfeed for longer. This includes having community support and making sure families receive information on breastfeeding benefits and where to go if they need support.

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a child’s life. Breastmilk provides essential nutrients, supports immune system development, and enhances the mother-child relationship.

World Breastfeeding Week 2024’s theme ‘Closing the gap, breastfeeding support for all’ is about actions we can all take to enhance breastfeeding support and opportunities, especially for vulnerable families.

Breastfeeding Friendly Scheme

We are excited to announce the launch of a new scheme delivered by The Breastfeeding Network (BfN) to support parents to breastfeed as long as they would like.

The Breastfeeding Friendly Scheme invites local businesses and venues to sign up and become breastfeeding friendly venues. The scheme is free to join and is open to premises from hairdressers, shops, libraries and museums to community centres, GP practices and health centres — in fact anywhere that is open to the public.

By signing up to this scheme businesses and organisations can help show that they welcome and support breastfeeding families by displaying an easily recognisable sticker and sharing information with their staff and volunteers about why breastfeeding is important and how it is protected.

BfN say: ‘We are delighted to be working with the council to deliver the Breastfeeding Friendly Scheme. Breastfeeding is good for mums, babies and the environment, but many women feel nervous about breastfeeding out and about, and this can mean they choose not to breastfeed or that they stop breastfeeding before they want to. It is important to remember that your right to breastfeed in any public place is protected by law and that most women only have positive experiences of breastfeeding out and about.’ 

Find out more about the Breastfeeding Friendly Scheme.

To join the scheme or for further information, contact

Local breastfeeding support

Breastfeeding is important for parents and babies, but it isn’t always easy. We encourage all breastfeeding parents to get in touch with our Health Visiting team who are all breastfeeding trained under the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative.

Through breastfeeding drop-in groups, drop-in Well Baby clinics and a 1-1 Specialist Infant feeding clinic, our Health Visiting team provides information and support on breastfeeding and maximising breastmilk, helping families to feed safely and responsively.

Find out more about infant feeding in Richmond upon Thames.

If you know a parent who is currently breastfeeding, there are several ways you can offer support. Attend antenatal or breastfeeding classes with them, provide emotional and practical assistance, and make them feel comfortable, for example, by offering extra pillows or bringing a drink and snack. You can also visit the NHS website, and direct families to local breastfeeding support groups and peer support networks.

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Up to: August 2024

Updated: 31 July 2024

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