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Join Age UK Richmond's Board of Trustees

Community news on behalf of Age UK Richmond | 31 January 2024

Age UK Richmond are looking for two Trustees to bring their skills to make a genuine and long-lasting impact on the lives of local older people in the borough. 

The team at Age UK Richmond are interested in hearing from people who have relevant digital experience such as in digital transformation, digital marketing or digital project management and experience working at a leadership level.

They are also looking for a committed individual with an interest in our cause with experience in fundraising and income generation who can provide guidance to the charity in strategy, techniques and opportunities.

For role descriptions and details on how to apply, please visit the Age UK Richmond website.

If you would like to have an informal conversation about the role, or about Age UK Richmond upon Thames before applying, please contact

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Up to: January 2024

Updated: 31 January 2024

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