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Everything you need to do to vote in the general election in July

3 June 2024

On Thursday 4 July 2024, residents will be able to vote in the UK parliamentary general election.

The deadline to register to vote is midnight on Tuesday 18 June. 

Don’t forget you will now need to provide original voter ID to vote at polling stations on Thursday 4 July. 

All voters will need to take an approved form of photo identification to the polling station to vote, which will take place between 7am and 10pm. If you do not have an accepted form of photo ID, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate until 5pm on Wednesday 26 June. 

If you do not wish to show ID at a polling station or are away on polling day, you can apply to vote by post or by proxy

The deadline to register to vote by post in these elections is Wednesday 19 June at 5pm. You will need your date of birth, a copy of your signature and your National Insurance number. Postal voters will not be affected by voter ID and will be issued with their postal ballot papers as usual. 

The deadline to register to vote by proxy in these elections is Wednesday 19 June at 5pm. Voters can now only act as a proxy for two people, regardless of their relationship. Anyone voting on behalf of UK voters who live overseas could act as a proxy for up to four people. 

If you have any questions, you can speak to one of our advisors via web chat Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

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Up to: June 2024

Updated: 3 June 2024

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