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Richmond Council’s Empty Homes Initiative revives 150 vacant properties, tackling housing shortages

6 March 2025

To mark national Empty Homes Week, Richmond Council is celebrating the success of its innovative three-year pilot, which has transformed 150 vacant properties into much-needed homes.

Since launching the initiative, the Council has actively engaged with more than 350 property owners, offering advice, support, and enforcement measures to bring long-term empty homes back into use. By taking a proactive approach – without relying on grant funding – 150 homes have been successfully reoccupied, helping to address the borough’s housing needs.

Councillor Jim Millard, Deputy Leader of Richmond Council and Lead Member for Housing, said:

"With housing in such high demand, long-term empty homes should not be wasted. Every vacant property represents a potential home for someone in need. This pilot has proven that with the right approach, we can bring these properties back into use, boosting housing supply without solely relying on new development.

"Richmond Council is using the insights gained over the past three years to develop the next phase of our commitment to tackling empty homes  Where properties are left vacant and become a problem, we will use every tool available to ensure they are lived in rather than abandoned.

"Each year, Empty Homes Week offers an opportunity to highlight the great work within communities, like Richmond, to bring empty homes back into use and tackle properties that negatively impact neighbourhoods."

The elements of the pilot are being embedded into the Council’s wider housing work, ensuring that it continues efforts to bring vacant properties back into use.

As part of this, the Council continues to take firm action on long-term empty properties, particularly where neglect and anti-social behaviour become concerns. To further discourage homes from being left vacant, the Council applies Council Tax premiums, with increasing charges for homes left unoccupied and unfurnished:

  • Two years: 100% Council Tax uplift
  • Five years: 200% Council Tax uplift
  • Ten years: 300% Council Tax uplift

By ensuring homes do not remain unnecessarily empty, Richmond Council is making the best use of existing housing stock and supporting the wider need for homes in the borough.

Get help with an empty property

If you own a long-term empty property, you may be liable for additional Council Tax charges. Some exemptions apply, such as properties undergoing probate or actively being marketed for sale or rent. Visit the Council website to check if you qualify for an exemption, and find out what steps you can take to bring a property back into use.

A residential street view in Richmond upon Thames.

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Up to: March 2025

Updated: 6 March 2025

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