Grant programme for cancer awareness activities
Community news on behalf of RM Partners | 23 May 2024
RM Partners, the North West and South West London Cancer Alliance, is running a new Community Cancer Awareness Grants Programme for local voluntary and community groups.
They are offering up to £500 to local community and voluntary groups to hold activities and events that support local people to stay healthy and well.
This programme is part of their plan to reduce the time it takes from when a person first notices a cancer sign or symptom to the time they see their GP.
The funding can be used to help cover costs of an activity you may have already planned for this summer. Alternatively, you could plan a new event or activity. They are open to ideas about different types of events or activities.
In order for them to offer funding, the event or activity will need to provide an opportunity to share information about cancer as well as signposting to local cancer services.
Applications are open until Friday 31 May 2024. Events or activities need to take place between 15 July and 30 September 2024.
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Up to: May 2024
Updated: 23 May 2024
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