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Donate to residents' charity fundraiser

Community news on behalf of Crossroads Care Richmond and Kingston | 15 May 2024

On Sunday 9 June, a local Twickenham resident is running the Turks Head 10K Fun Run to raise money for Crossroads Care Richmond and Kingston. 

Sophie Crosswaite is running in order to help the charity provide home and community respite services to carers across the borough.

For the past four years, the local charity has been providing practical and emotional support to Sophie’s sister Jane and her 13-year-old niece Annabel, who has a rare chromosomal disorder. 

Sophie notes that the incredible Crossroads team are very experienced, knowledgeable, and most of all caring and understanding about the many challenges that Jane faces on a daily basis. They know just how to entertain Annabel which provides Jane with some much needed respite care.

You can visit the JustGiving page for more information.

This June, Richmond Carers Centre is launching Carers Week 2024 to support those who care for a loved one.

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Up to: May 2024

Updated: 15 May 2024

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