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Local school saves 920kg of textile waste

15 May 2024

At a recent Earth Day celebration event, the Trafalgar School engaged community members in sustainability practices and how to reduce environmental impacts.

In their Bag2School activity, where participants declutter and recycle household textiles and clothing, 920kg of textiles were reused and recycled, instead of going to waste.

The event celebrated the school’s ongoing commitment to environment education and their dedication to fostering a sustainable future. 

To support locally-led climate action initiatives, we provide climate action microgrants between £100 and £500 to community groups, schools, individuals or non-profits. The grants help run events, activities and initiatives that promote positive behaviours in the community around climate change and sustainability.

Find out more about climate action microgrants.

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Up to: May 2024

Updated: 15 May 2024

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