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Local charity plans for spring at Kew Ha-ha

Community news on behalf of Habitats & Heritage | 29 November 2024

Earlier this month, Habitats & Heritage volunteers rolled up their sleeves to plant native English flower bulbs along the length of the Kew Road Ha-ha.

Fifteen volunteers clambered once more into the Kew Road Ha-ha and hauled out bags of rubbish before planting thousands of native daffodils and snowdrops, adding a splash of colour in spring and supporting early bumblebees as they forage for nectar.

The activity aimed to provide plentiful nectar sources in linear belts along the slope of the ha-ha for as much of the year as possible. Not only will this create a valuable food source for the insects, but it will also look beautiful for the human residents. Lines of flowers will accentuate and draw attention to this important piece of heritage situated at the edge of the Grade 1 Listed landscape.

This conservation activity, organised by Habitats & Heritage, is part of a broader plan to create a linear pollinator station to support bees and butterflies throughout the year. It will also provide a nature-friendly pathway, allowing wildlife to reach the high-quality spaces like Kew Gardens and the Thames, where they can thrive.

If you’d like to help out in the ha-ha nature conservation project, or find out about other opportunities to engage with nature in the borough, please contact or sign up for Habitats & Heritage’s monthly newsletter at the bottom of their website homepage. 

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Up to: November 2024

Updated: 29 November 2024

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