Richmond Carer's Centre - Supporting young carers
12 May 2023
Tom Humphreys and Sophie Richardson
Young Carers Support Team Leader and Operations Manager
National Children's Day takes place on Sunday 14 May 2023. This is a day of recognising the importance of having a healthy childhood and how we need to protect the freedoms and rights of children and young people.
Richmond Carers Centre (RCC) is a well-established local charity giving practical help, service, support, advocacy and information to those people caring for others who are dependent upon them because of physical disability, learning difficulty, mental health problems, age or illness in Richmond and who themselves are in need.
RCC currently supports 547 young carers aged 5-18 years old. We are the only local organisation providing a service specifically for young carers. Our charity provides support, advocacy, advice and information to young carers, enabling them to continue their caring roles and reduce their stress. Importantly we give young carers the time and space they need to relax and have a break from their demanding and challenging roles.
Over the last nine months, RCC has provided over 1,000 breaks to young carers in Richmond, including regular peer support, after school groups and an extensive activity programme during the school holidays.
Our service also provides emotional wellbeing support to young carers through our mentoring programme, which has been accessed by 78 young carers since August 2022. The Support Workers provide a safe space for young carers to access advice and guidance around their caring responsibilities, reduce the impact it has on their emotional health, and help build resilience, confidence and self-esteem.
National Children's Day is a day of celebration, through events and activities, highlighting all the great work that take places nationwide to support child and family wellbeing.
Since April 2022, 276 young carers have engaged with Richmond Carer's Centre's support services, and we are extremely proud to be able to provide a bespoke service that meets the needs of young carers in Richmond.
"I feel more confident sharing how I feel, and I'm not worried about how others think of me. I have made lots of new friends, and I have got to know people better. Staff are very kind and have fun activities." – Young carer feedback from our Young Carers Service Impact Report 2022.
Richmond Carer's Centre are one of the chosen charities in the 2023/2024 Richmond Voluntary Fund.
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Up to: Partner blog 2023
Updated: 12 May 2023