Guidance for the community noticeboards
Notices may be accepted for display on the 16 village community notice boards by the Borough’s Libraries on condition that:
- They adhere to the Council’s Equality and Diversity policies and do not infringe anti-discrimination legislation.
- The material does not constitute political advertising except as determined by the regulations governing a statutory election when it will be subject to the conditions stipulated in the Council’s Electoral Policy.
- The material is of a non-commercial nature (except for events or advertising sponsored by the Council or its approved agencies)
- The material is not business-related, nor does it seek to increase business profits or recruit employees.
- The material does not directly promote a religious cause – speakers or sales of work in religious venues should be considered as community events.
- The activities or events take place at a public venue not in a person’s home.
- The material is not likely to cause offence to public taste and decency.
- The material is to an acceptable standard of production in portrait A3 size for the larger boards and in A4 size for the smaller boards.
- The materials must include contact details and make clear who has published the information.
- Prospective advertisers accept that:
- The material is displayed on a first-come-first-served basis.
- The material must be delivered to the library service a minimum of two weeks before display is required.
- Lack of available space may preclude the display of posters which otherwise meet the acceptance criteria.
- The Library Service will not hold or store items for future display due to the lack of available storage space and that such materials will be discarded.
- The material will be affixed to community notice boards by staff authorised by the library service.
- Unauthorised material will be removed and destroyed.
- Notices displayed will be monitored and strictly time-limited to ensure the maximum turnover of display materials.
- Items will be displayed under the hierarchy of priorities stated in the Display Priorities below.
- Preference in order will be given to materials submitted by:
- Council services.
- Voluntary organisations and services (and community groups).
- Non-council statutory organisations and services.
- Commercial organisations and services.
Up to: Community noticeboards
Updated: 12 April 2021
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