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Here’s a quiz question for you – there is only one area of our school curriculum for which all local authorities have a statutory responsibility to oversee.

Council blog | 16 Jul 24

This is my last Mayoral blog as my term of Mayor finishes on May 14 at our AGM. It has been a privilege and joy to meet so many people around the borough.

Council blog | 02 May 24

Togetherness is a hugely important aspect of life. It unites us, gives us security, much needed support and a sense of belonging. It is something precious which I have felt strongly across the borough since becoming Deputy Mayor.

Council blog | 19 Apr 24

One of the enjoyable things about the Mayor's Parlour is not just the fact that you can enjoy inviting people there but the paintings. These are from the Borough's Art Collection and the Mayor chooses the ones for display in the Parlour for their year. Sometimes of course they are not available for viewing, for example, being committed to other exhibitions for that time.

Council blog | 04 Apr 24

Culture and the arts have always been vibrant in our Borough. Recently, I had the pleasure of attending several events showcasing some fabulous talent.

Council blog | 21 Mar 24

Recently, I have found myself attending events that are celebrating our young people. Parents and carers, teachers, and other professionals, saying how wonderful these youngsters are in many ways. Best of all though is seeing and hearing from the children and young people themselves.

Council blog | 07 Mar 24

According to the Chinese zodiac, every Lunar New Year, beginning with the second new moon after the winter solstice, a new animal takes over the reins of fate. Its character is said to guide the course of the year and individuals born under its sign, to adopt its behaviour and traits.

Council blog | 21 Feb 24

The daylight hours are getting longer, crocuses have appeared and there was a beautiful display of snowdrops to surprise me on Nursery Green, Hampton, when I went for a walk this week.

Council blog | 08 Feb 24

27 January is Holocaust Memorial Day, an opportunity for us to remember the Holocaust and subsequent genocides, and reflect on these truly horrific events.

Council blog | 25 Jan 24

“To everything there is a season” (Ecclesiastes 3) and so it has proved at the start of 2024. While tradition dictates that new year is a time for celebration this January has also been a time for heartfelt sorrow over the loss of dear friends and inspirational pillars of our community.  

Council blog | 23 Jan 24

Unexpected fun is often the best kind as it takes you by surprise. This has happened quite a few times since I have become Mayor and what follows shares with you a few examples!

Council blog | 07 Dec 23

Traditionally November is the month for remembering, starting with all Souls Day on 1 November when Christians remember the souls of the departed. 

Council blog | 23 Nov 23

It has occurred to me that during the time I have been Mayor I have been invited to and visited several places of worship. Of course, the most personal one has been St Mary's Twickenham where the Civic Service was held on 8 October. However, there have been others around the Borough and around our great city of London. 

Council blog | 08 Nov 23

As the ancient Greek philosopher Plato once said, 'music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything' and I am delighted to say that still rings true in the Borough of Richmond today.

Council blog | 25 Oct 23

We know that our residents should be able to go about their lives with the assurance that our streets are safe and accessible. Keeping residents safe is one of our top priorities and in September we were working to show you how we are doing it.

Council blog | 18 Oct 23

'How do I get there and back?', is often a large consideration when we're thinking of making a visit somewhere, followed shortly by 'how much will it cost?' Very much okay for The Mayor, I hear you say, as there's an electric car (plus driver) assigned specifically for them to use for Mayoral events. This is something that's provided so that I can visit more residents and find out what wonderful volunteers you are (I mean that sincerely).

Council blog | 12 Oct 23

The theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day is ‘Mental health is a universal human right’. So, it’s an opportunity to highlight how and where residents can conveniently access services that support us to live healthy lifestyles.

Council blog | 10 Oct 23

Breaking down barriers, bringing communities together and supporting people to improve their wellbeing, whatever their background, are some of the core values underpinning Richmond's thriving voluntary sector which has over 800 organisations providing services that enrich our community. 

Council blog | 29 Sept 23

As summer begins to wind down and students return to school for a new academic year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the wealth of opportunities available in the borough that makes it great to grow as well as start something new.

Council blog | 14 Sept 23

It has been my privilege to meet many residents, typically, quoting Kenneth Williams, “those not in the first flush of youth.”

They are often the volunteers and trustees of many charities and societies that help our borough’s life move along in a positive fashion. No, they are not doing it just to receive a ‘feel good’ factor for themselves but often they are contributing much time and effort to keep good things going.

Council blog | 13 Sept 23

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Updated: 13 May 2022