Page 3 - Guidance for Children’s Services Early Help and Children’s Social Care :: Portus
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             Everyone’s mental health is as                   One in four children and
             important as their physical health.  young people with mental
             Experiencing poor mental health                  health difficulties have harmed
             is common.                                       themselves as a way of coping

             National surveys show that at any one time 1 in 5   with their feelings of distress.
             adults experience anxiety, depression, or a mixture of   Self-harm is more likely in children and young
                                                              people who experience emotional and mental health
             Children and young people can also experience a   problems.
             range of common emotional and mental health      But it is important to know that children and young
             problems (and this can start from a very young age).
                                                              people can recover from mental health distress with
             Surveys and research show that children and young   the help of family, friends, and supportive adults.
             peoples’ mental health has worsened over recent   It is also important to avoid labelling or medicalising
             years. In 2022, one in six (16.0%) children aged 5 to 16   children and young people as this can be
             years were identified as having a probable mental   counterproductive.
             disorder, increasing from one in nine (10.8%) in 2017.
             The increase was seen in both boys and girls.    Growing up is difficult

                                                              Young people are telling us that they feel intense
                                                              pressure due to exams, friendships, identity and
                                                              worries about what the future holds. Over time this
                 Children aged 5 to 16                        can affect their emotional and mental health.
                 years identified as having
                 a probable mental

                          Portus - A Safe Space - Guidance for Children’s Services Early Help and Children’s Social Care
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