Commissioning and contracting
We commission adult social care services from a range of providers.
Commissioning involves identifying what services local people are likely to need in the future. We work together with partners, such as Health and the voluntary and community sector, to support the development of markets to provide the services that will be needed.
Market position statements
The increasing life expectancy of people living in the UK and the growing demand for high quality adult care services is leading us to review how services are provided. You can read our Market Position Statement.
They look at the context for planning services and set out our vision and commissioning intentions for the future provision.
Further to the government announcement of the Market sustainability and fair cost of care fund, we have completed cost of care exercises for older adult care homes and 18+ domiciliary care.
These terms and conditions govern all purchases of goods, works and services with us and your relationship as a provider to us. Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under the law.
All our purchase orders and care home placement agreements are covered by our terms and conditions.
Supply of goods, works or services under a valid Richmond Borough Council purchase order and care home placement agreement combined with the care plan constitutes your acceptance to these conditions. The purchase order number and service user name must be quoted on all invoices.
Terms and conditions and specification for residential and nursing care services
Before a placement is made to a care home, we have to be assured that the provider has been registered by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and that there are no outstanding quality or safeguarding concerns with the provider.
If the purchase relates to care home services, providers are required to read and acknowledge the Council’s care home terms and conditions (pdf, 612 KB). All services should be provided in accordance with the service requirements in our care home service specification
(pdf, 362 KB). A care home placement agreement and purchase order will be issued alongside a support plan confirming support required and costs for each individual placement. Supply of goods, works or services under a valid Care Home placement agreement and purchase order constitutes your acceptance to the relevant terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions and specification for home care services
Before a home care package is commissioned, we have to be assured that the provider is registered with the CQC and that there are no outstanding quality or safeguarding concerns with the provider.
If the purchase relates to homecare services, providers are obliged to read and acknowledge the Council’s home care terms and conditions (pdf, 495 KB) for care provided through spot purchasing. All services should be provided in accordance with the service requirements in our home care specification
(pdf, 326 KB). A purchase order will be issued alongside a support plan confirming support required and costs for each individual placement. Supply of goods, works or services under a valid purchase order constitutes your acceptance to the relevant terms and conditions.
We use CarePlace e-Brokerage to source home care packages. Once a package has been awarded through CarePlace e-brokerage, Providers will receive a support plan and purchase order.
Terms and conditions and specification for supported living services
If the purchase relates to supported living adult social care services you are obliged to read and acknowledge our supported living terms and conditions (pdf, 582 KB) for care provided through spot purchasing.
The services should be provided in accordance with the service requirements in the supported living specification (pdf, 498 KB). A purchase order will be issued alongside a support plan confirming support required and costs. Supply of goods, works or services under a valid purchase order constitutes your acceptance to the relevant terms and conditions.
Up to: How adult social care works
Updated: 17 December 2024
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