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Adult Social Care Digital Strategy

Technology provides us with a unique opportunity to revolutionise how we deliver services to residents. It has the potential to support many people to be more independent and help us address some of the challenges we face across the health and care system.

During the pandemic, technology was used in a transformative way to support vulnerable residents and help families stay connected as well as transforming the workplace. To build on the progress already made and take full advantage of technological innovation going forward, the Adult Social Care Digital Strategy 2021-2024 has been developed.

About the Adult Social Care Digital Strategy 2021-2024

This strategy sits alongside the Richmond Digital Strategy, which sets out the Council’s ambitions to take advantage of the opportunities digital technologies can offer for public service transformation and efficiencies and the South West London Integrated Care System Digital Strategy 2021-25, which sets out the framework for using digital technology to enable service transformation to deliver the best healthcare outcomes for our citizens at all stages of their lives; Start Well, Live Well, Age Well.

Our aims

The Adult Social Care Digital Strategy 2021-24 sets out how we will embed technology as a core part of the way we deliver services to adults in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. The strategy covers residents, staff and partners.

Our aspirations for residents

We want to use technology to empower and support people to do more for themselves and live the best life they can.

Our aspirations for staff

We want to use technology to transform the way our staff work and enhance the way frontline services are delivered.

Our aspirations for partners

We want to use technology to transform the way we work across organisational boundaries and transform the way frontline services are delivered.

Read the full strategy

Updated: 25 September 2024

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