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Inflationary uplifts for care and support providers

We operate an annual process of inflationary uplifts for care and support providers.

2023/24 inflationary uplifts

For 2023/24 the inflationary uplift is as follows:

  • Contracts with an inflationary uplift clause will receive an uplift in line with the contract terms and applied from the anniversary date of the contract
  • Contracts without an inflationary uplift clause will receive a 6% uplift from the anniversary date of the contract
  • Spot purchased residential and nursing care, supported living, respite, community outreach, day care and homecare will receive a 6% uplift from 1 April 2023

The annual fee inflation relates to service costs and inflationary factors only and is separate from any fee revision due to a change in client needs. Any requests for fee reviews due to change in care needs should be sent to the operational social work team and will be addressed on an individual basis.

Requests for an additional uplift

We will in addition consider requests for uplifts greater than the 6% from providers who are at risk of provider failure and meet certain criteria. These requests will be considered through a business case approach. The criteria we will use includes:

  • The weekly fee is below the average for the particular market
  • The provider will not be able to maintain the National Minimum Wage where applicable within the current rates (demonstrated through the staff hourly rate)
  • The provider is at risk of provider failure (demonstrated through a financial audit/ board minutes and/or open book accounting and staffing vacancies/use of agency staff/high turnover in key leadership and management positions)

Providers who believe there are mitigating reasons for a differential uplift, must submit their request by 12pm on 12 May 2023. Requests received by this date will be reviewed and providers will be asked to submit supporting information to evidence their claim. Any requests received after this date will not be considered.

Supporting information must be provided by completing our supplied templates detailing the fee breakdown for each placement for which additional uplift is requested. Copies of these templates are available for download:

Supporting information must be submitted by close of play on 26 May 2023. Information submitted after this date will not be reviewed.

Evidence received by the deadline date will be reviewed by senior commissioners and the Fee Engagement team against local and regional benchmarking. Based on this evidence they will make recommendations to senior management for a final decision. The Fee Engagement team will inform providers of the outcome by the end of June 2023.

All communications and documents should be sent to:


If your organisation has not received a letter from us regarding the inflationary uplifts, please email the Fee Engagement team at the email address above.

The fee uplift programme closes on 31 July 2023 - enquiries for 2023/24 fee inflation will not be considered after this date.

Updated: 13 November 2024

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