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Safeguarding means protecting the health, wellbeing and human rights of adults at risk, enabling them to live safely, free from abuse and neglect. At some point in their lives most adults need care and support from others. Sometimes we experience situations in which we feel unable to protect ourselves from the action of others. Safeguarding is a way of supporting people with care and support needs over the age of 18 to protect themselves from abuse by others.

Safeguarding is everyone’s business, and it is about people and organisations working together to prevent both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect. It also means making sure that the adult's wellbeing is supported and their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs are respected

We are committed to ensuring that everyone who lives in or uses services within the borough is supported to make decisions about how to live their life free from abuse and neglect.

Who is at risk

Anyone who may not be able to take care of or protect themselves from abuse or exploitation could be at risk. For example, an older or vulnerable person, or someone with a disability or mental health problem.

Who can cause harm

Abuse can take place anywhere. It could occur in the home, at a day centre or college, at work, in hospital, or out and about in the community. Abuse can also be committed by anyone. It could be someone the victim is close to such as a family member, friend, or someone who provides care for them. It could also be a complete stranger.

Read about the different types of abuse.

Updated: 04 November 2021

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