About the Youth Offending Service
Kingston upon Thames Youth Offending Service and Richmond upon Thames Youth Offending Team formally merged into a shared service in June 2013. The Youth Offending Service is a multi-agency partnership between the two Councils, the Police, the Probation Service, the NHS and Youth Services, all of whom jointly resource a multi-disciplinary team. The aim of the service is to:
- Reduce the likelihood of re-offending by children and young people
- Protect the public
- Protect the child or young person
- Ensure that the sentence is served
The Youth Offending Service is governed at national level by the Youth Justice Board within Ministry of Justice and at local level by joint Youth Offending Service Management Board.
HMIP inspected the shared service in Jun 2013 and found the shared service well performing. View the full inspection report.
Out of Court Disposals
In April 2013 Reprimands and Final Warnings were replaced by Youth Cautions and Youth Conditional Cautions. Out-of-court disposals allow the police to deal quickly and proportionately with low-level, often first-time offending which does not merit prosecution at court.
Court orders
The courts can issue a number of sentences to be carried out in the community, that restrict young people’s freedom or limit or improve their behaviour.
Youth Rehabilitation Order
This is the standard community sentence for most young offenders. The courts can choose from a wide range of conditions so they can tailor a sentence to meet the needs of the young person concerned and minimise the risk they pose to the community.
After sentencing, we put the Youth Rehabilitation Order in place. We arrange activities for young offenders to meet the court’s requirements and supervise them to make sure they are complying.
Intensive Supervision and Surveillance (ISS)
The Intensive Supervision and Surveillance (ISS) is a rigorous non-custodial intervention available for young offenders who could otherwise be sentenced to custody.
It combines high levels of community-based surveillance with a comprehensive and sustained focus on tackling the factors that contribute to the young person's offending behaviour.
About the Youth Justice Board.
See Achieving for Children for contact details.
Up to: Youth offending
Updated: 26 July 2022
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