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Support available in the borough for health and care costs.

Adult Social Care

Adult Social Care can help people who are elderly or have disabilities. They can also help you connect with local neighbourhood groups, and services such as libraries and health services.

They can also help you if you look after someone else.

Telephone: 020 8891 7971

Richmond Carers Centre

Richmond Carers Centre provides free and confidential information, advice and emotional support to unpaid carers living in or caring for someone in Richmond upon Thames.

Neighbourhood Care Groups

There are eight Neighbourhood Care Groups across Richmond upon Thames who can help with everything from transport for medical appointments, prescription collections and shopping trips, to befriending and companionship.

Find your local group (pdf, 184 KB)

Caring for children with special educational needs and disabilities

If you are child has special needs, there is support available from our local SEND provision. Support is available for education, care, transport and finances.

Find out more via Achieving for Children.

Prescription and other NHS support

If you struggle to pay for your prescriptions, you might be eligible for free NHS prescriptions.

Alternatively, if you have to pay for a lot of prescriptions, it may be cheaper to buy a prescription prepayment certificate.

Call your GP for advice.

There is also support for other NHS costs.

Updated: 21 December 2022

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