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If you are a full-time student you might be exempt from paying any Council Tax, or a discount could be applied to your household's bill.

You must apply to us for any discount or exemption - you will not receive it automatically.

Your situation

Whether you can get an exemption or a discount depends on your living arrangements, and the type of student you are. 

If everyone in your household is a full-time student

You do not have to pay Council Tax if everyone who lives in your household is a full-time student studying at a registered university or college. The household is exempt. 

Some students aged under 20, foreign language assistants, partners of students, and school leavers can also be exempt.

If you live in student halls of residence, you are automatically exempt.

One student can apply for the whole household, but they will need to provide evidence for every student.

Find out more about who qualifies for a student exemption and how to apply.

If you live with people who are not full-time students

A full Council Tax bill is based on at least two adults living in a household. Full-time students are 'disregarded' for Council Tax purposes. It means they are not counted when working out how many people live in a household. 

If you are a full-time student and live with people who are not full-time students, they might be able to get a discount on their bill. For example, if you live in a household with one other person aged over 18, they would be able to apply for a student disregard discount of 25%.

The bill payer or the student can apply to us for the discount.

Find out more about full-time student discount eligibility and how to apply.

If you are a different type of student

Some other types of students may also be disregarded for Council Tax purposes. These are:

  • Apprentices
  • Foreign language assistants
  • Students nurses
  • Youth training trainees

Non-British spouses or dependants of a student may also be disregarded.

If you fall into any of these categories, the household that you live in may be able to get a discount.

The bill payer or the student should apply to us for the relevant student discount.

If you get an exemption or discount

If you are given an exemption or discount, we will send you a review form every year to reapply for it. You do not need to fill out a new application for an exemption or discount.

Your exemption or discount will automatically end when the course you are studying finishes.

If your circumstances change

If you leave the course you are studying and are no longer a full-time student, you must let us know.

You or the bill payer should also tell us if there are any changes in your household that might affect your eligibility for an exemption or discount.

You have to tell us within 21 days.


We do not get involved in any disputes between people living in a property about how Council Tax is paid.

If disputes arise, you should refer to your tenancy agreement or discuss it with your landlord.

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