My Account

Paying your Council Tax in 12 instalments

If you prefer to spread your Council Tax payments over 12 months rather than the usual 10, you can make a request using this form.

You will need

  • Your Council Tax account number

Before you start

If you receive a bill not showing 12 monthly instalments, we will send you an amended bill confirming your new instalments as soon as we can.

Your personal information provided on this form will be used in accordance with the Council’s Personal Information Policy.

What happens next

We will set up the instalments or let you know why we have not been able to.

If we need more information we will contact you.

This arrangement will be put in place indefinitely. If you want to change back to 10 instalments, please contact us.

Start my application

Short - This form shouldn’t take long to complete

Updated: 05 December 2017

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