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Air quality review and assessment - third stage

This is the technical report for the third and final stage of the review and assessment of air quality for the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. The Local Air Quality Management process under Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 requires that each local authority reviews and assesses air quality within its geographical area against the standards and objectives given in the Air Quality Regulations 1997.



The Stage One "Review and Assessment" examined each of the seven pollutants, nitrogen dioxide, small particles, benzene, 1-3 Butadiene, carbon monoxide, lead and sulphur dioxide. From this initial examination four of the seven pollutants were filtered out as they were not considered to be a problem for this borough by their target dates.

The three remaining pollutants, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and small particles were seen as potential problems and therefore were to be examined in more detail. Further work was carried out in a Stage Two "Review and Assessment" just concentrating on the three pollutants. The conclusion from the further detailed work was that carbon monoxide would not be a problem by the target date and therefore could be eliminated from the next and more sophisticated stage of investigation.

The conclusions from the Stage Two report that nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and small particles (PM10s) would be a problem by their target dates has since been confirmed in the Stage Three Review and Assessment.

The predictions from the modelling have been checked against the local land use and plotted to show the areas that are likely to exceed the objectives. These areas are indicated on the following map by way of stars. The stars show where without remedial action, the pollution levels for NO2 or PM10s are predicted to exceed the health-based objectives.

Air Quality Survey Results Map(pdf, 75KB)

This is an Air Quality Survey map of Richmond upon Themes which shows the areas most affected by air pollution

Updated: 30 July 2019

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