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Idling Action event training

Thank you for volunteering to take action to help reduce idling in our borough.

Before attending an Idling Action event, we ask that you watch the online training video if you have not undertaken in-person training previously.

Please take particular note of the sections 'The Idling Issue' (starting at 12.55 minutes) and 'Your task as a volunteer' (starting at 16.02 minutes), especially the health and safety guidance.

You will be asked to sign a form to confirm that you have taken the training before you can participate in an Idling Action event.

People who have previously attended training at an event do not need to re-take this online training, but are encouraged to watch the video if it is some time since you last volunteered.

We look forward to working with you at a future event.

Updated: 11 January 2022

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