Air Quality campaigns for schools
We encourage schools and school children to take action to help reduce air pollution within our borough.
Ask About Asthma campaign
The Ask About Asthma campaign will run from Monday 9 to Sunday 15 September 2024. The campaign aims to raise awareness about children and young people's asthma, increase understanding that air pollution can trigger attacks, and to improve young people's asthma care.
Campaign aims
The campaign encourages children and young people, their families, and those involved in their care, to ensure four simple and effective measures to help them control their asthma:
- Get an asthma action plan in place
- Understand how to use inhalers correctly
- Schedule an asthma review – every year and after every attack
- Consider air pollution as an asthma trigger
Each day there are new webinars, podcasts, videos and blogs about different topics – all are free and details are given in the online schedule. There is also a free online conference on Thursday 12 September which you can sign up for.
There are free downloadable resources for schools and families from the organisers including factsheets for schools and youth groups, and presentations for schools to run a lesson or assembly.
There are lots of other free resources available which may be of interest, including:
- Asthma facts sheet
- Asthma UK’s asthma action plan for children and air pollution and asthma webpage
- Short videos about asthma care
This year’s campaign theme 'helping children and young people with asthma to live their best lives' aims to focus on good asthma control to reduce or eradicate symptoms. You can read more information on indoor pollution including damp, mould and condensation, the effects of smoking and vaping and outdoor air pollution.
Clean Air Day
Clean Air Day is the UK’s largest air pollution campaign. It aims to inspire everyone to take action to help reduce air pollution and usually involves hundreds of events around the country including many in our borough.
Clean Air Day - Thursday 20 June 2024
This year our theme for Clean Air Day is Clean, Sustainable and Active Travel.
According to official data, cars and vans are the biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and some types of air pollution in the UK, harming both our health and the planet. It is important to take action to reduce emissions produced by these vehicles. Whenever possible, we should look to take the cleanest and most sustainable methods of travel to our destination.
We encourage all schools to take part by:
- Running poster making sessions for your pupils on the theme ‘Drawing Breath’ and send entries in to our school air quality competition
- Organising activities for year groups or the whole school throughout the week of Clean Air Day, or at any convenient time. Download a learning session pack from the campaign coordinator
Why not:
- Run a lesson or assembly or learning session - both are zip file downloads
- Plan activities to support walking, cycling and scooting to school - from TfL
- Make your own low pollution map to raise awareness of how to reduce personal exposure, especially by avoiding busy roads
- Get free information about air pollution and how to tackle it from the London Schools’ Pollution Helpdesk
Use the resources to help spread the word to parents, carers, and the school community through social media and a newsletter article.
You could:
- Raise their awareness about air pollution
(pdf, 108 KB)
- Advertise the low pollution route finder to help to reduce exposure whilst walking and cycling to school
Find out more information about what is being done in the borough for Clean Air Day.
Nation-wide and local initiatives
There are various activities and campaigns for schools that we promote which include:
- Walking initiatives
- Cycling initiatives
- Scooter training (for year 2 children)
- Smarter driving initiatives to promote cleaner air around schools
Our schools travel planning page helps schools promote active travel by participating in cycling and walking campaigns and producing a travel plan.
View Schools’ air quality for more information about current and recent projects for schools.
Updated: 12 November 2024
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