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Postcode allocation for new properties

The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames is not responsible for issuing new postcodes, that is the responsibility of the Royal Mail. However they will not issue a postcode unless requested to do so by the Council.

Queries about postcodes

Queries about postcodes can be dealt with by the Royal Mail by contacting them on their postcode enquiry line 08456 045060 or visiting their website

If you have delivery problems either telephone the Royal Mail’s Customer Service Centre on 08456 054433, or alternatively email them at

Postcodes for commercial premises are allocated in the same manner as for residential premises but a large company can apply to the Royal Mail for its own code - known as a large user code. Application for a large user code is the responsibility of that company as they will know what volume of mail they generate.

Why is my address still not on Royal Mail's website?

When the Royal Mail allocate a postcode for an application they would have put the new address in a “pending” state until such time as the works are completed on site.  In order that the postman can deliver post to the new address you may wish to telephone 08456 011110, select option 3, then option 1 to make “live” the new address. (The Royal Mail’s interpretation of “live” is that the works are complete, there are no Health and Safety issues to obstruct delivery and that there is a postbox or letterbox to deliver the mail.)

Updated: 08 July 2016

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