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There are other housing options you can consider if:

  • We do not have a full duty to assist you with housing
  • You are unable to wait on the housing waiting list for an offer of accommodation
  • You do not want to apply to the Council for housing

Renting privately

Renting privately is a great option for many households as it allows you to have more choice in the type of accommodation you want and where you want to live.

However, rents in Richmond can be high so you should consider looking outside of the borough if you need a cheaper rent.

Emergency hostels and night shelters

Emergency hostels can provide accommodation for a few days to a few months. They will usually ask you to pay.

Night shelters can often provide a place to stay for a few nights. They tend to be free and are more basic than hostels.

For details on how to get a place in an emergency hostel or night shelter, call Shelter's Emergency Helpline on 0808 800 4444.


Refuges are safe houses for women and their children experiencing domestic violence. Each refuge is different, but they all offer private bedrooms. They may also help you to find settled accommodation.

For further details on how to get a place in a refuge, call the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247.


Foyers provide short-term accommodation for young people aged 16 to 25 years who are homeless or in housing need. Foyer accommodation is linked to education, training and employment. This usually involves signing a contract agreeing to spend a certain number of hours per week in work-related training.

Foyers provide a learning environment for basic independent living skills and help young people to find employment.

You can usually stay up to two years, although the average length of stay is 9 to 12 months. Foyers will usually help to find settled accommodation and provide ongoing support for the young person once they have left.

Some foyers can be contacted directly by young people wishing to refer themselves but others will only accept referrals from local authorities. If you need a referral for a foyer, email

Updated: 13 March 2024

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