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Housing policies set out in finer detail what tasks we will perform to meet the ambitions laid out in our housing strategies, usually on a particular housing issue.

Housing Allocations Scheme

The Richmond Housing Allocations Scheme(pdf, 2,8Mb) explains the criteria we use to nominate people for offers of permanent accommodation.

Mental Health Hospital Discharge Protocol and Joint Working Protocol

These protocols assist the Council and its partners to communicate effectively on issues around housing/homelessness and mental health. It has been signed by key partners including housing services, local mental health service providers, our main housing association partners and organisations providing rough sleeping and drug and alcohol support services.

The Homelessness Prevention and Hospital Discharge Protocol (pdf, 563 KB) focuses on mental health ward discharge.

The Mental Health and Housing Joint Working Protocol (pdf, 875 KB) focuses on the way organisations communicate, share information and are better informed of the work of partner agencies.

The work is supported and the protocols are monitored by the Tenants’ Champion.

Intermediate Housing Policy Statement

The Intermediate Housing Policy Statement(pdf, 89KB) sets out our position with regard to the prioritisation of applicants for intermediate housing and the income eligibility range for applicants to intermediate housing schemes in the Borough.

Intermediate Housing Marketing Statement

It is important that Richmond residents and those working in the Borough know about and are prioritised for the marketing of home ownership opportunities by Registered Providers. To achieve the Council has worked with local Registered Providers to develop an Intermediate Housing Marketing Statement(pdf, 908KB). This provides direction to Registered Providers on how they market intermediate housing schemes and re-sale units in the Borough.

Discretionary DFG Policy

The Council has developed a discretionary DFG policy which allows it to help a greater number of older and disabled residents live independently. The policy sets out how the Council may use funding more flexibly to improve accessibility and increase independence.

Earlier housing strategies and policies

Earlier strategies remain relevant to guide current policies and work.

More about our earlier strategies and policies

Updated: 24 September 2021

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