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If you think there is a gas leak or any other gas emergency call National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999.

Gas systems

Your gas installation and equipment should be checked regularly by a registered gas engineer who can look for leaks, excessive carbon monoxide and other problems.

The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994 require employers and landlords to maintain gas appliances and associated pipe work in a safe condition. Appliances must be checked at least once a year and a record of the inspection (date of inspection, defects identified and any repairs made) must be kept.

Keep your record of inspection available so that inspectors can view it when they visit.

Gas Safe Register ensure competent standards for all gas fitters. Health and Safety Executive (HSE) also have gas safety advice.

If you think there is a gas leak or any other gas emergency please telephone the emergency line on 0800 111 999.


Certain types of equipment such as steam boilers, gas fires, catering "stills" etc. need a regular check by a competent engineer every year or so. Some items must be certified following inspection. These are often arranged through your insurance company.

Compressors (pressure vessels)

Air compressors and pressurised systems need to be inspected by a competent person at appropriate intervals. (Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999 and Pressure Safety Systems Regulations 2000)

Updated: 08 April 2022

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