Comment on a planning application
We are keen to hear the opinions of local people, organisations and businesses before we make a decision on a planning application.
Who can comment
Each application is publicised for at least 21 days by various means, including letter, site notice or publication within the Richmond and Twickenham Times. Anyone can make a comment during this time. Visit our weekly lists to view all the new applications we have received.
We are committed to involving everyone in the borough in the planning process. If you have difficultly reviewing the planning documents we will assist you to ensure your voice is heard. Telephone 020 8891 1411 for more information.
What comments can be made
You can support, object to or make a general comment about an application. Representations submitted online will be published and will be available to view on our website, usually within 48 hours. This will include your name and address.
Representations received via email or post may not be published on our website.
If you are making an objection we can only take into account valid reasons to object. These are known as 'material planning considerations'. Before making an objection you should check that your objection is valid.
If you have been notified of a ‘prior approval’ application, before submitting your representation, you should check what factors can be taken into account, as these are more limited than full planning applications.
You will also need to apply to speak at the specific meeting.
Make a comment online
To comment online you need to write your comments and save them in a document or file. This file is then uploaded when you submit your comments.
Once you have prepared your comments, you can search for the application and click 'Make a comment' to proceed,
Our Planning service encourages electronic working. It is therefore recommended that:
- Planning applications should be made online at the Planning Portal
- Representations on applications should be made online
- All other correspondence should be sent electronically to:
Comment in writing
Send your comments to:
Development Management
London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Civic Centre
York Street
Quote the reference number of the application and your own postal address so that we can write to you if necessary.
Your details
We cannot accept anonymous objections/letters of support and therefore we require a full postal address with any representation made.
If you do not wish your email details or telephone numbers to be viewed please omit these or enclose on a separate piece of paper marked 'sensitive'. Avoid any details that could compromise your own security such as holiday dates or times when you will not be on the premises.
Taking your views into account
Many decisions are taken by officers under ‘delegated powers’, after consideration of any representations. Where an application is to be decided by the Planning Committee a summary of all representations are included in the report to them.
There is an opportunity for a limited number of interested parties to address the Planning Committee in person. Should you wish to reserve the opportunity to address the Planning Committee it is important to indicate this in any written representations you submit. However, if objecting to an application clearly compliant with Supplementary Planning Guidance/Documents (SPG/SPD) and/or policy, you do not have the opportunity to refer it to the Planning Committee.
Keeping informed of an application
It is not usually possible to respond to questions raised in individual letters. Therefore to keep informed of the progress of an application refer to our website, and once a decision has been made on an application, it will be possible to view the report prepared by the case officer and the decision notice on the website.
What happens if the application is refused?
Every applicant has the right of appeal to The Planning Inspectorate if aggrieved by our decision to refuse the application, or conditions imposed on a grant of permission. There is no third-party right of appeal against the decision. Any comments you have made previously will be passed to the Inspectorate.
We will inform you in writing if an application you have previously commented on has been appealed.
Up to: Planning
Updated: 13 March 2025
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