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A locally listed building (also known as a 'Building of Townscape Merit') is a building or structure which is not statutorily listed, but is recognised for its significance to the history and character of the local environment.

How buildings are chosen

Buildings of any type or age can be locally listed, even if they have been recently constructed.

Most locally listed buildings are found in one of our conservation areas and demolition of such a building will require planning permission.

Where a locally listed building is not within a conservation area, an applicant would need to ask for prior approval before any demolition takes place.

Download a full list of locally listed buildings (pdf, 6.1 MB). The Teddington Society's Planning Group is working with the History Group to assemble a Directory of Buildings of Townscape Merit (BTMs) and Listed Buildings in Teddington.

We identify locally listed buildings by:

  • Monitoring plan policies
  • Survey work
  • Conservation area reviews

For more information about Buildings of Townscape Merit, see the supplementary planning document (pdf, 895 KB)

Permitted development

Normal permitted development rights are not affected if a building is locally listed.

We may consider making an Article 4 Direction if minor types of external development could threaten the character of a locally listed building. This means you would need planning permission before you could carry out development.

Public consultation of Proposed De-Designation of Buildings of Townscape Merit

We are conducting a public consultation on the local list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest at a local level (also known as ‘Buildings of Townscape Merit’). We are proposing to de-designate several buildings which no longer meet the criteria for local listing.

This consultation runs from Friday 6 September to Friday 18 October 2024.

Buildings to be de-designated

We propose to de-designate the following:

  • 354 Richmond Road, Twickenham
  • 16 St Margarets Road, Twickenham
  • 18 St Margarets Road, Twickenham
  • 20 St Margarets Road, Twickenham
  • 22 St Margarets Road, Twickenham
  • 24 St Margarets Road, Twickenham

You can view the descriptions, maps and photographs of the buildings and structures and the justification for their removal in the draft consultation document.

How to respond

You can respond to the consultation by:

  • Post: Conservation and Urban Design, LB Richmond upon Thames, Civic Centre, 44 York Street, Twickenham, TW1 3BZ

If emailing your comments, please make sure you include the name of the BTM in the subject line of the email.

Please ensure your comments reach us by Friday 18 October 2024.

All responses will not be treated as confidential.

Updated: 06 September 2024

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