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Planning application fees

Planning system changes 

We are upgrading our planning system, and some services will be unavailable whilst we complete the work. 

From Wednesday 29 January until Thursday 6 February you will be unable to search for, view, or comment on an application. Deadlines will be extended accordingly.  

Applications can be submitted through the Planning Portal, but they will not be processed during this period. 

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

Most applications require a fee to be paid. The Planning Portal has a calculator to help you work out the correct fee for your application.

Calculate my fees

Payment of fees

  • Fees must be paid when the application is deposited/submitted.
  • An application cannot be registered until the correct fee has been paid.  
  • The council has NO discretion to vary fees.
  • Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames.
  • There is no VAT on planning fees.
  • Payment can be made by all major debit cards and credit cards (except American Express or Diners cards) when submitting an application online.


Fees can only be refunded if:

  • Permission or consent is not required and the local planning authority decline to determine the application
  • More than the correct fee was paid
  • The application is rejected as invalidly made

No refund can be made where an application is withdrawn.


You can resubmit a planning application without paying another fee, if all of the following criteria are met:

  • You resubmit within 12 months of the decision (or within 12 months of submitting an application that is subsequently withdrawn)
  • The applicant is the same as that for the previous application.
  • The address (or site location) is the same as that for the previous application.
  • The description of the resubmission is similar to that of the previous application.

This regulation is revoked as of 6 December 2023. An applicant will still be able to benefit from a free-go if their application has been refused or withdrawn in the preceding 12 months, subject to all other conditions for the free-go being met.

Standard fee prices

Householder applications
Fee Category Fee

Householder extensions and alterations to existing dwelling-house

Where the application relates to one dwelling


Householder extensions and alterations to existing dwelling-house

Where the application relates to two or more dwellings

Carrying out operations (including erection of a building) within the curtilage of an existing dwelling-house, for purposes ancillary to the enjoyment of the dwelling-house (e.g sheds, greenhouses or garages) £258
Renewal of unimplemented permission This option is no longer available
Certificate of Lawful Development
Fee Category Fee
Application for existing use of building or land or whether operations carried out, in, over or under land are lawful Same fee as for the relevant planning application
Application to ascertain whether failure to comply with any condition or limitation on a permission is lawful £293
Application to ascertain whether any proposed use of buildings or land, or any operation to be carried out in, over or under land are lawful Half the normal planning fee, eg Householder extensions and alterations to existing dwelling-house: £129
Creation of new dwellings
Fee Category Fee Maximum
Outline applications for  the erection of new dwelling-houses

a. If the site is less than 0.5 hectares, £578 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) of the site area

b. If the site is at least 0.5 hectares but does not exceed 2.5 hectares, £624 for each 0.1 hectare (of part thereof) of the site area

c. If the site area exceeds 2.5 hectares, £15,433 and an additional £186 for each 0.1 hectares in excess of 2.5 hectares, subject to a maximum of £202,500

Full applications for the erection of new dwelling-houses

a. £578 for each dwellinghouse to be created if fewer than 10

b. £624 for each dwellinghouse to be created if at least 10 and no more than 50

c. £30,860 where number of dwellinghouses exceeds 50, and an additional £186 for each dwellinghouse in excess of 50 subject to a maximum in total of £405,000

Change of use of a building to one or more separate dwellings

a. Where the change of use is from a single dwellinghouse to use a two or fewer than 10 dwellinghouses, £578 for each additional dwellinghouse

b. At least 10 dwellinghouses, but no more than 50, £624 for each additional dwellinghouse

c. £30,860and an additional £186 for each dwellinghouse in excess of 50, subject to a maximum of £405,000

Renewal of unimplemented permission This option is no longer available   
Erection of other buildings
Fee Category Fee Maximum
Outline applications for erection of buildings (other than dwellings, agricultural buildings, glasshouses, plant or machinery)

a. The site area is less than 1 hectare, £578 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) of the site area

b. The site area is at least 1 hectare but does not exceed 2.5 hectares, £624 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) of the site area

c. The site area exceeds 2.5 hectares, £15,433 and an additional £186 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) in excess of 2.5 hectares, subject to a maximum in total of £202,500

Permission in principle 

£503 for each 0.1 hectare (or part therefore) of the site area

Full applications for erection of buildings (other than dwellings, agricultural buildings, glasshouses, plant or machinery)
  • £293 where no floor space created
  • £293 where the gross floor space to be created does not exceed 40 metres squared
  • £578 for each 75 square metres (or part thereof) where the gross floor space created exceeds 40 square metres but is less than 1000 square metres
  • £624 for each 75 square metres (or part thereof) where the gross floor space it at least 1000 square metres but does not exceed 3750 square metres
  • Where the gross floor space created exceeds 3,750 metres squared, £30,680 and additional £186 is payable for each subsequent 75 metres squared, to a maximum of £405,000
Erection, alteration or replacement of plant and machinery

£578 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) of the site area. If the Site area is at least 1 hectare but does not exceed 5 hectares, £624 for each 0.1 hectare. Where the site area exceeds 5 hectares £30,860 and an additional £186 per 0.1 hectare, subject to a maximum of £405,000
Other operations
Fee Category Fee
The construction of car parks, service roads and other means of access on land used for the purposes of a single undertaking, where the development is required for a purpose incidental to the existing use of the land £293
Uses of land
Fee Category Fee Maximum
Making a material change in use of a building or land (except dwellings or refuse etc) e.g. playing fields(for sports clubs etc but NOT golf clubs) £578 £578

The use of land for the disposal of refuse or waste materials or for the deposit of material remaining after minerals have been extracted from the land

The use of land for the storage of minerals in the open

£316 for each 0.1 hectare site (or part thereof) of the site area. If the site area exceeds 15 hectares, £47,161 and an additional £186 per 0.1 hectare, in excess of 15 hectares, to a maximum of £105,300 £105,300
Fee Category Fee
Removal or variation of a condition of a previous permission £293
The continuance of a use of land, or the retention of buildings or works on land, without compliance with a condition subject to which a previous planning permission has been granted. £293
Renewal of temporary permission £293
Discharge of conditions - Applications to satisfy conditions of planning permission (unless Reserved Matters following an Outline Approval) pursuant to householder and all other types of application.

Householder £43 per request. All other applications £145 per request.

Note: The charge is per request and is regardless of the number of conditions being satisfied on individual requests.

Fee Category Fee

Advertisements displayed on business premises, on the forecourt of a business premises or on other land within the cartilage of a business premises, wholly with reference to all or any of the following matters

a. The nature of the business or other activity carried out on the premises

b. the goods sold or the services provided on the premises or

c. the name and qualifications of the person carrying on such business or activity or supplying such goods or services.

Advertisements for the purpose of directing members of the public to, or otherwise drawing attention to the existence of, business premises which are in the same locality as the site on which the advertisement is to be displayed but which are not visible from that site £165
All other advertisements and multiple sites £578
Prior Approval Applications
Fee Category Fee
Larger home extensions (From 19 August 2019) £120
Additional storeys on a home (from 30 July 2021) £120
Agricultural and forestry buildings and operations £120
Demolition of buildings £120
Communications (previously referred to as Telecommunications Code Systems Operators) £578
Change of use from Commercial/Business/Service (Use Class E), or Betting Office or Pay Day Loan Shop to mixed use including up to two flats (Use Class C3) (from 1 August 2021) £120
Change of use of a building and any land within its curtilage from Commercial/Business/Service (Use Class E), Hotels (Use Class C1), Residential Institutions (Use Class C2), Secure Residential Institutions (Use Class C2A) to a State Funded School £120
Change of use of a building and any land within its curtilage from an Agricultural Building to a State-Funded School £120
Change of use of a building and any land within its curtilage from an Agricultural​ Building to a flexible commercial use within Commercial/Business/Service (Use Class E), Storage or Distribution (Use Class B8), or Hotels (Use Class C1) £120
Change of use of a building and any land within its curtilage from Commercial/Business/Service (Use Class E) to Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) (From 30 July 2021) £125 for each dwellinghouse
Change of use of a building and any land within its curtilage from an Agricultural Building to Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3)£96 or £206 if it includes building operations in connection with the charge of use £120 or £258 if it includes building operations in connection with the charge of use
Change of use of a building from Betting Office, Pay Day Loan Shop, Launderette, a mixed use combining one of these uses and use as Dwellinghouse(s); or Hot Food Takeaways to Dwellinghouses (use Class C3) £120 or £258 if it includes building operations in connection with the charge of use
Change of use of a building and any land within its curtilage from Amusement Arcades/Centres and Casinos to Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) £120 or £258 if it includes building operations in connection with the charge of use
Non Material Amendment(s) to an existing planning permission
Fee Category Fee
If the application is a householder application £43
In any other case £293
Planning fees for concessions and exemptions
Fee Category Fee
Works to improve access for the disabled to public buildings or to improve access, safety, health or comfort of a disabled person at home (when backed up with the appropriate evidence) No fee
Applications by non-profit making clubs, societies, etc. who are providing playing fields and other ancillary development (other than a building) £578
Alternative applications for one site made by the same applicant on the same day Highest of the fees applicable for each alternative and a sum equal to half the REST
Development crossing planning authority boundaries requiring several applications Only one fee paid to the authority having the larger site. Please contact Planning Services for advice on how to calculate the fee
Applications to consolidate existing emissions for mineral operations No fee
Consents under the listed buildings, conservation areas and trees Regulations (unless the application requires a consent that carries a fee) No fee
Other fees
Fee Category Fee
Research and archive retrieval of information on planning records £137 (per hour)
Request for confirmation of compliance with and Enforcement Notice, Breach of Condition Notice or other similar Notice under the Planning Acts £243
Requests to withdraw an extant Enforcement Notice, Breach of Condition Notice or other similar Notice £243
Checking Discharge of Planning Conditions £243

Updated: 06 December 2024

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