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Planning policy is contained in a hierarchy of policy and guidance documents from the national to the local level, all of which are used to guide and manage development in the borough.

National planning

The government issues national guidance, including strategic policies for development and growth in England.

Download the National Planning Policy Framework

Download the Planning Practice Guidance

London planning

The Mayor of London is responsible for producing a planning strategy for London.

Download the current London Plan

Draft London Plan

On behalf of the Mayor of London, the Greater London Authority (GLA) consulted on the draft London Plan. 

Find out more about the new London Plan

Local planning

We are responsible for setting out the priorities for the development of the borough and for writing local planning policies and guidance. Local planning policies and decisions on planning applications have to take into account national and regional guidance.

Find out more about the Local Plan

See also

Updated: 13 September 2022

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